Events calendar

Sunday. 17 November, 2019 - Saturday. 23 November, 2019
Wednesday. 20 November, 2019
11:00 am

Thanksgiving Celebration

Congregational Church of Goffstown

Come join us for a fun afternoon of food, games and activities. This event is Free !! We will start at 11 am with a thanksgiving style potluck, you can sign up on our google doc for a menu item to bring. After lunch we will have some group and individual games, as well as fall themed crafts. I am looking for a few moms who would be willing to run a game or craft station. All rules/items will be available just need some people to oversee. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would be willing to help. Hope you all can join us.

When you register, please enter the total number of people, babies included, that will be coming.