Squam Lake Science Program 2023

Squam Lake Science Program 2023

We have two programs scheduled to start at 10:15am, so please arrive promptly at 10am.
PreK-5th - Have to Have a Habitat

6th-12th - Raptors and Food Webs

Policies, Tips, and Expectations: 

  • For the benefit of all of our guests, When exploring the live animal exhibit trail, please separate your larger group into smaller groups of approximately 10 people including teachers and chaperones.
  • Please follow a one-way path on the live animal exhibit trail to help ensure ample space between groups.
  • Check our trail map for exhibit updates.

Behavior Expectations:
Other schools and general public visitors may be present during your visit. Please be considerate of others and our animal ambassadors. An adult must remain with each student group at all times, including when students are inside the exhibit buildings. Have fun exploring the outdoors, but please leave plants and other natural resources for everyone to enjoy.

Additional Tips for Your Visit: 

  • Clothing/ Footwear: Students should be prepared to spend time outdoors in all weather. Students should dress appropriately for the season and the weather (hats, gloves, coats, waterproof/warm boots, study walking shoes, etc.). Students should also be prepared with sunscreen, insect repellent, and water.
  • Lunch: You will be given a designated space for your group to store backpacks and lunches. Groups can eat outdoors in the picnic area or under the covered picnic pavilion. No food is available for sale on site. Keep food and drink in backpacks, and do not take it on the live animal exhibit trail (except for water). The Science Center is a carry-in, carry-out facility. Please bring trash bags to take your trash back to school with you or request one at Admissions when checking in.
  • Live Animal Exhibit Trail: This ¾-mile loop through fields and forest showcases live native New Hampshire wildlife in natural enclosures. You will see mountain lion, river otters, black bear, red foxes, deer, and more. Large groups must divide into groups no larger than 10 people, including teachers and chaperones.  Learn about our animals and exhibits.
  • Hiking Trails: The Science Center has three hiking trails through fields, forests, and wetlands where you may explore further. Learn about our hiking trails.
  • Gift Shop: The Howling Coyote Gift Shop features nature-related books, apparel, gifts, and toys with a focus on sustainability. There are items under $10 available. All teachers and chaperones receive a 10% discount on non-sale items. Coupons are available at Admissions. A teacher or chaperone must accompany small groups of students in the gift shop. 
  • Pre-trip/Follow-up Activities: If you receive pre-trip or follow-up materials, you are strongly encouraged to use them because they will help your students to better understand and remember basic concepts they will learn about during your visit.

Other Resources: 

Event Details

Event Date 09-27-2023 10:00 am
Last Day to Register for this event 09-21-2023 11:55 pm
Individual Price See ticket prices below
Location Squam Lake Natural Science Center
Attachment FORMATTED Have_To_Have_a_Habitat_PRE-TRIP_2018.pdf

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Spots Available
Child, 2 & under $0.00 Unlimited
Child, ages 3-10 $5.00 Unlimited
Child, ages 11-18 $5.00 Unlimited
Adult $5.00 Unlimited

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event