Events calendar

Sunday. 18 February, 2018 - Saturday. 24 February, 2018
Wednesday. 21 February, 2018
9:45 am

2018 Spring Semester Co-op Class 10

Concord Bible Fellowship

Sign up for all of the spring days of co-op. This will allow you to put these dates on your calendar and get reminders for each date. You do not need to register all of your children, just one registration per family.

1:00 pm

NH State History Co-op - February

Concord Bible Fellowship

We are excited to start a NH State History Co-op this year. The focus ages for this group are 4th grade & up, although there will also be activities for younger children.

This will be a co-op, which means that all moms will be required to participate in some capacity each class, teaching or helping.

The topics for the fall classes will be:


January - Famous People, Songs, & Food

February - Government, Economy, & Industry

March - State Recreation & Current Events

April - NH Native American Tribes

Just register 1 participant per family to stay updated on this class.