Events calendar

Sunday. 14 January, 2018 - Saturday. 20 January, 2018
Wednesday. 17 January, 2018
12:00 pm

WHE BOD Meetings

WHE Board of Director Meeting

Saturday. 20 January, 2018
6:00 pm

Parent Support Meeting (3)

Januuary Topics:

*  Getting over the winter dull-drums...when you seem to hit a wall.

*  Changing curriculums mid-year...yes! You can do that!

*  Understanding your child's learning style and love language


We are going to take the time to discuss various learning styles and how to work with your child's strengths, as well as what to do when a curriculum isn't working for your child (or you).

We will also be sharing ideas to keep the excitement in our homeschool environment and how to "change things up" when boredom hits.

And, we will be discussing the importance of involving our spouses in the the education process and how our spouse's involvement can help ease the work-load and provide great bonding opportunities.