Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum

Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum
Tour: Guided "Connect the Circle" tour
Museum + Medicine Woods
Ages: all
Cost: infant-5 = FREE
Ages 6-18 = $12
Adult = $6
*Please pack a lunch and join us for a picnic after our tour! It is a carry in/carry out facility, please bring your trash home with you.
*Half the tour is outside, please dress accordingly and pack bug spray if you wish.
*The museum is small and we will have a large group so wear your baby, not stroller friendly.

Event Details

Event Date 09-16-2024 10:15 am
Last Day to Register for this event 09-08-2024 11:55 pm
Spots Available 2
Individual Price See ticket prices
Location Mt Kearsage Indian Museum

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Spots Available
Ages infant - 5 years old $0.00 0
Ages 6 - 18 years old $12.00 2
Adults $6.00 0

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event